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"Superman.Jin" is Flying? or Frying? [English ver.]

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by Andy Jin™ 2009. 4. 23. 19:36


Like all other people who are living in this 'Networking and Internet' world,
I also have lots of email accounts.
Among those email IDs, one ID is "Superman.Jin"

Even I don't remember why I made up this kind of naming at that time.

Today I was shortly talking about Flying Superman on having lunch in "Flying Pan[각주:1]" restaurant,
and I've got like this amazing picutre in the evening.

Of course, on grammar, it should be "Fried Jin" though, who cares!??
If I can smile and anyone can smile, then it doesn't matter at all........

- Thanks to the great artist. Thank you so much (^.^ ) -

  1. One of famous "24 hours Breakfast" restaurants in Central, HK. [본문으로]

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