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광동어 수업 중간에 그린, 누구냐 넌? (In the middle of Cantonese Class....)

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by Andy Jin™ 2009. 12. 14. 14:24


광동어 수업 중에......
(사람 수가 많지 않은 관계로) 학생들이 차례대로 선생님과 일대일 대화를 하고 있던 중에......
특별히 무언가 할 게 없던 나는.......

볼펜을 들어 교재에 장난 그림을 그려 본다.......

이건 나이가 들어도 여전하구먼......

중고등학교 시절, 화려하게(?) 변신해가던 내 교과서들에 대한 추억이 새록새록...........

One day on Cantonese class, I drew a myserious monkey face on my textbook......
Actually I didn't intend to draw something,
my ball pen was just followed by my hand while there is going man-to-man conversation on class,
And when I woke up from day dream there's a pretty "can-not-understand" face of monkey......

Well.... somehow it looked like my favorite Monkey doll (Paul Frank Doll) and something else though....

Anyhow I don't want to lose this 笨蛋 drawing...............

- Can not feel how time passes and how days go......... Am I alive and awaken?...............in HK -

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