[WB550] Spicy Clam Dishes' Party in 竹家莊 (Jordan, Kowloon,매운 조개 요리)
On Temple St., Jordan, there is one 避風塘 style seafood restaurant called 竹家莊(zuk1 gaa1 zong1). 避風塘 style food is mainly spicy and salty, and frying is used for many dishes. Many kinds of Big crab, shrimp, clam, mussel and squilla(mantis shrimp) etc. are used for the dishes. [ 避風塘 - Wikipedia, Chinese] http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%81%BF%E9%A2%A8%E5%A1%98 Location reference. Around Temple St. ..
Hong Kong/To Eat
2009. 6. 8. 22:10